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In person French classes resuming in Larchmont!

In person French classes resuming in Larchmont!

While most of our activities and classes are currently happening online, some of our classes are resuming in person, and we're hoping more will follow soon!

As most of you already know, during the Fall term all our cultural events remain online, as well as the vast majority of our classes. However, our team is working hard in order to fully comply with all CDC guidelines, as well as with guidelines provided by NY state's Health Department.

Remember, wear a mask, wash your hands,
and respect social distancing at all times

French classes currently taking place in Larchmont

As you may know, the Alliance Française of Westchester has been running French lessons in Larchmont since 2018, at the Music School of Westchester. When our board members and team had to decide when and how to resume offering in person classes, it was decided that complying with all CDC and NY state guidelines and keeping our students and teachers safe would be much easier to do in this location, since the only people ever entering this building are either our own staff and students, or the Music School of Westchester's. Moreover, classrooms there provide more space for social distancing, allowing us to welcome groups of up to 5 students.

In order to respect social distancing guidelines at all times,
all tables are 6ft away from each other

What are the safety protocols in place?

As always, classrooms are cleaned daily, and tables as well as high touch areas are disinfected before and after lessons. This is by no means a new protocol at AFW, however our team and the Music School of Westchester's team are working together in order to make sure all protocols are fully respected, by both staff members and students. If you're going to be taking in person classes in Larchmont, or in White Plains when they resume as well, teachers will be informing you about the detailed procedures which must be followed.

All students and staff members must of course wash their hands,
and hand sanitizer is also available...

... A one way system is in place to minimize interactions
with other people throughout the building...

... And of course, masks must be worn at all times!
(Meet our new teacher Marie-Laure, you can actually see her smile here)

What about French classes in White Plains?

At this stage, we're still working on organizing in person French classes in White Plains. As the vast majority of our teachers and students are usually in White Plains, we want to make sure all our team members are fully prepared to welcome them back, hopefully during the Winter session. As we all know, the coronavirus is still here with us, even if it's tempting to think the pandemic is now over. Many of our students and members are at risk, so safety remains our top priority. Moreover, we know that teaching and learning French with a mask on is not as nice nor as comfortable as learning French from the safety of your own home, especially now that the weather is getting cooler again. Don't worry, if you prefer learning online even once more classes resume in person, we will of course still offer this option.

You would rather take in person lessons this Fall? Remember we can always organize pods or private lessons for you, so don't hesitate to contact us.

You want to learn more about our current online learning options, or need help with figuring out how to use Zoom or other video conferencing tools? Feel free to give us a call at (914) 681-8735, our team will be happy to help you.

If you're enjoying learning French online with us, also keep an eye on our blog, soon we will tell you more about our brand new virtual classrooms! If your class is not currently studying with a virtual classroom, but you're interested in improving your French language skills online between your weekly lessons with your favorite teacher, please let me know, I will be happy to tell you more about this new exciting project.

Take care, stay safe, and see you all very soon!