Giving Tuesday 2024

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Adults- Teens & Children - Toddlers

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Cahiers de vacances

$0.00 USD


This Summer, relax while practicing your French!

    Les cahiers de vacances are a French tradition which has been very popular in France since the 1930s.

    This year, Alliance Française of Westchester is proposing "cahiers" to its students, in order to relax during Summer vacations while still enjoying French culture.

    • Cahiers de vacances are available for all ages (children, teens, adults)
    • Cahiers de vacances are for all levels, from complete beginners to advanced levels

    In our cahiers de vacances, you will learn about French culture, about where to find useful free resources to keep your French fresh all year round, and you will find fun activities to relax while also learning something interesting.

    These cahiers are free for all AFW students who joined us at any time in 2020 and 2021, whether they were enrolled in private lessons or in group classes. Simply order your cahiers here and we will send you cahiers which are relevant to your own level.

    For more information, contact